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HL 9 – Donate $3 Right Now to Send Donna to Brazil(e)

HL 9 – Donate $3 Right Now to Send Donna to Brazil(e)

Hopelessly Liberal's last post of 2016 channels Paul "Rhymin" Simon, son of your blogger's third grade teacher at P.S. 164 in Queens, who wrote that there must be "50 ways to leave your lover."  Liberals found that many at least, to lose the 2016 presidential...

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HL 7 – What Some Wish For

HL 7 – What Some Wish For

This post has real nourishment for most Americans – Democrats, real Republicans and the increasing number of Americans who believe that big outcomes are shaped by massive right wing, left wing or Russian conspiracies.  There’s a good chance that Donald Trump will be...

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HL 6 – Who’s Your Favorite Cabinet Nominee?  Tom Price is Mine

HL 6 – Who’s Your Favorite Cabinet Nominee? Tom Price is Mine

Appointments and nominations for the cabinet are announced or leaked daily.  Reactions range from wholehearted approval to equally heartfelt revulsion to “coulda been much worse.” The one that riveted my attention was Dr. Tom Price, a Congressman from Georgia who will...

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HL 5 – Put Your Tax Break Where Your Conscience Is!

HL 5 – Put Your Tax Break Where Your Conscience Is!

As already seen, many of President Elect Trump’s campaign promises are gone with the wind, and happily so.  But the one most likely, almost certainly, to happen is his promise to give you a tax cut.  Not of the magnitude promised, since even when optimistically...

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HL 4 – Give Thanks for State and Local Government

HL 4 – Give Thanks for State and Local Government

As your hopelessly liberal and optimistic blogger last posted, great assistance in surviving the next four years will come from the permanent federal work force.  They number roughly 2.9 million and can be counted on to competently deliver the core of many good...

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Priceless Cover

Priceless: The Case that Brought Down the Visa/ MasterCard Bank Cartel

Journal of Plague Year cover

Journal of the Plague Year: An Insider’s Chronicle of Eliot Spitzer’s Short and Tragic Reign