A constant in these posts is the liberal conscience as it processes Trumpism. Asking what do I want to happen in this or that context or contest? What will I do to help bring that outcome to pass while also keeping eyes on the prize of ending Trump’s presidency?
HL 27 “The Guilty Conscience of the Liberal Mind Confronts Trump’s Inheritance of ObamaCare” HL 29 about “Walking and Chewing Gum Simultaneously” and HL 44 “Trump Gonna Mess Your Mind” each and all addressed these issues involving personal responsibility.

Luther Strange
Today’s Luther Strange – Roy Moore, Republican primary in deep red Alabama (where ironically “the skies are so blue”)[1] shows that the right also faces tough choices of thought and deed. Luther Strange, then Alabama Attorney General was appointed to temporarily fill the United States Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions in February of this year. Strange was appointed by then, and since convicted and resigned, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, who was being investigated for ethics violations by Strange at the time of the appointment. Bentley noted after interviewing Strange that it was a plus that his elevation would allow Bentley to also appoint a new state A.G. Strange quickly ingratiated himself to President Trump by assuring him that the key and decisive factor in how he would vote on the ObamaCare repealer of that jour was Trump’s desire that it happen. For the record, the oath of office for the Senate requires swearing or affirming support and defense of the Constitution not of any president, let alone one that apparently has not read our supreme law.

Roy Moore
Roy Moore is the other “son of a bitch,” borrowing an epithet used by Donald at a Luther Strange campaign event last week, though not referring to Moore, the former state court judge twice removed from the bench by Alabama’s judicial authority. Each time Moore was punished for violating his oath to defend the constitution and infringing the first, ninth and fourteenth amendments’ rights of U.S. citizens to be free of state established religion and enjoy marital privacy and equality.

Robert Bentley
Establishment and elected Republicans are behind Strange because he goes along to get along, as his elevation to the Senate and reflexive allegiance to the party line both demonstrate. The Trump base by and large support Moore because of his “fuck you” attitude toward the establishment and to his superiors in rank and in constitutional authority – namely the Alabama Court of the Judiciary and SCOTUS. Donald’s base doesn’t hold it against him or Moore that POTUS is passing on Moore and backing Strange.
The mind bender this time is not merely a problem for the right. It also asks what do liberals want and will possibly do. The thought here at the HL editorial board is that Moore is the best choice. First, because Strange truly has earned the title epithet, with nothing good to come from him. Second, while the chances of the Democratic candidate, former U.S. Attorney Doug Jones, defeating either Strange or Moore in the special election are exceedingly small, they are better with Moore. It is possible that Moore, who considers himself above and the embodiment of law, will do something in the next three months to improve those long long odds.
[1] Credit to Lynyrd Skynyrd who reminded us that “In Birmingham they love the Gov’nor” even segregationists like George Wallace and criminals like Robert Bentley.