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HL 183 – Chuck Schumer Goyishe Kop

HL 183 – Chuck Schumer Goyishe Kop

In Yiddish literally head of a Gentile and figuratively idiot.  When the going gets tough you forget the basics.  This time, regardless your opinion of Benjamin Netanyahu – pretty much the same as mine-[1] he is the elected president of a democracy and important...

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HL 182 – Dartmouth Basketball Players Play at being Employees

HL 182 – Dartmouth Basketball Players Play at being Employees

I haven’t closely followed Ivy League basketball since antiquity, when true scholar-athletes like Bill Bradley, Heyward Dotson (both Rhodes Scholars) and Jim McMillian led their teams into the NCAA season ending tourney and even its “final four”.  The last Dartmouth...

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HL 181 – Jill Biden and Commander Bite America

HL 181 – Jill Biden and Commander Bite America

The apparent deadline for Democratic Party leaders to have the Goldwater to Nixon conversation with President Biden has passed.  (See HL 177, 11/8/2023).  The more extreme Tom Eagleton moment may never occur.[1]  Now, the period between those two opportunities, is the...

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HL 179 – The Year I Stopped Worrying and Loved the Bomb

HL 179 – The Year I Stopped Worrying and Loved the Bomb

No American roughly my age, just north of 75, has not had a close relationship with the atomic bomb their entire life.  Two had been dropped in the war concluded shortly before we were born.  Their aftermath and surviving but mutilated victims constantly appeared in...

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Priceless Cover

Priceless: The Case that Brought Down the Visa/ MasterCard Bank Cartel

Journal of Plague Year cover

Journal of the Plague Year: An Insider’s Chronicle of Eliot Spitzer’s Short and Tragic Reign