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HL 129 – New York Voters Send a Message to New York Democratic Pols About Andrew Cuomo
There’s 538 and then there is my friend, a classic liberal who last week – well before release of the recent Siena Poll showing broad public/voter support for Andrew Cuomo – had the following back and forth by text with a Congressperson of their acquaintance: Classic...
HL 128 – Classic Liberals Hear A Who
Unless your attention and hearing are as acute as Horton’s you probably missed it. Katy Tur’s MSNBC LIVE assurance that we are not to worry that Dr. Seuss had been banned or cancelled. Not so says Ms. Tur, because she had read one of Mr. Geisel’s not disappeared...
HL 127 – Jamie Raskin – David Remnick – Tommy Raskin – Three Utilitarians
The greatest good for the greatest number, J. Bentham’s formula, further developed by J.S. Mill, was the core of a once in a lifetime interview of Congressman Jamie Raskin by David Remnick of The New Yorker. Only 18 minutes, here it is. Going in, the listener...
HL 126 – Bill de Blasio Enters the New York Gubernatorial Primary
Political archaeologists will mark 2/18/2021 and Morning Joe on MSNBC as the day and place New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio entered the 2022 New York State gubernatorial primary. Against incumbent Andrew Cuomo, should he seek a fourth term, as his father did...
HL 125 – Tish James’ Nursing Home Blowback on Andrew Cuomo
We like Wikipedia, and regularly donate to the Wikimedia Foundation in gratitude. But recently spotted its (our crowdsourced) error on the derivation of a “blowback” – assigning that to the CIA, when in fact the agency’s 20th Century spies got it from their boilers,...
HL 124 – Juror Misconduct and Incompetence Abounds In Trump Trial Two
The first and abiding reaction to Trump Trial Two is that the only comparable experience in this life was the mid-September 2001 repetitive viewing of the towers collapsing, a place where we had once worked. Having testified numerous times in the House and Senate,...