Lloyd Constantine
Hopelessly Liberal
Lloyd is a litigator and author whose work in antitrust and civil liberties law and poor people’s advocacy in and opposed to government involves many important, controversial and heavily reported legal, political and business trends in America from the 1970s to the present.

Lloyd Constantine
Photo: Roman Iwasiwka
Recent Posts
HL 195 – Liberals Hope That Leaders in Syria and the Arab Street Won’t Screw Up This Opportunity
On December 8, 2024, Bashar-al-Assad fled Damascus for Moscow. His ouster from the Syria he had ruled for 24 years, succeeding his dad who had ruled for the preceding 30, was ironically but predictably the result of Israel’s response to October 7, 2023, and the...
HL 194 – HL to Press, You Ignored Biden’s Melting, Don’t Ignore Trump’s
This post must begin with a quotation from HL 98, posted during the early Spring 2020 primary season: “Biden is a melting ice cube. Those of us who have closely watched as time ravaged the once sharp or even brilliant minds of loved ones and colleagues, recognize...
HL 193 – Votes for Both Trump and AOC? Of Course!
In her most recent press powered self-promotion, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez launched headlines that included her name, in the L.A. Times, New Republic, Newsweek, Business Insider, MSNBC News, Fast Company, the New York Post, The Hill, HuffPost, Buzz Feed,...
LLoyd Featured on “United States of Scandal with Jake Tapper”
Lloyd is featured in an episode of CNN’s “United States of Scandal with Jake Tapper,” focusing on the fall of former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer.

Priceless: The Case that Brought Down the Visa/MasterCard Bank Cartel
Lloyd Constantine began his career in legal services, representing impoverished clients in civil rights and constitutional cases. Decades later, he would make headlines for representing retailers…

Journal of the Plague Year: An Insider’s Chronicle of Eliot Spitzer’s Short and Tragic Reign
In November 2006, Eliot Spitzer was on top of the political world, having won the New York Governorship by the greatest margin everfar outdistancing his predecessors Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt.